Room Representatives
Room Representatives are representatives for a particular class or grade level who serve as a liaison or contact person for the classroom. The Room Rep plays a very important role as they provide a close personal contact between the PTO, parents, students and teachers.
Teachers and the PTO truly value and appreciate everyone who volunteers to be a Room Rep
Room Reps are resources for fellow classroom parents to ask questions about activities going on in classroom and at school.
Room Reps are part of the PTO and promote the membership, work and events of the PTO.
It is suggested that Room Parents attend PTO meetings to share information with your class parents.
Requirements (May vary based on specific year rules & regulations)
- Complete Volunteer training as required by Forsyth County School System
- Attend a Room Parent kick off meeting at the beginning of the school year
- Become a member of the PTO
- Follow the guidelines provided by the Room Parent Coordinator (Communication & Money Handling) examples include:
- Communicate timely with parents in your class, forward all SBE PTO email to your distribution lists
- Reminder: you can only communicate with those that have "opted-in" through the school's forms
- Create a class directory (Some teachers handle this themselves)
- Plan and collect donations for any class centers/parties (Coordinate with your teacher)
- Assist with birthday celebrations as directed by your teacher
- Coordinate and collect donations for PTO events (i.e. Fall/Spring Fling Baskets)
- Coordinate Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week for your class
- Coordinate Holiday and/or Birthday gifts for your teacher
- Organize class t-shirt orders if your teacher chooses to do this. (Typically worn for Field Trips)
- Help capture photos at each event and submit for the yearbook
- Communicate timely with parents in your class, forward all SBE PTO email to your distribution lists
How to Sign Up
- Connect with your Home Room teacher to express your interest
- Teachers submit names and emails of Room Parents to the PTO
Quick Links
Settles Bridge ElementarySBE School Supply Lists
New? Start Here
Orders: Membership Donations and Event Tickets
Donation Level
Update Teacher
Update Contact/Account Information
Volunteer Information
Questions? Ideas? Contact SBE PTO
Upcoming Events
SBE PTO events
Forsyth County Schools events
- Friday, March 7
- Monday, March 10
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, March 28
- Monday, April 14
- Friday, April 18
We are thankful for all of our local community PIEs that support our SBE community and academic enrichments.