SBE PTO Bylaws and Standing Rules
Bylaws and Standing Rules are the fundamental governing rules of a PTO. The Bylaws and Standing Rules of a PTO contain basic rules relating to the association as an organization in order to conduct the unit’s business and govern its affairs. These Bylaws and Standing Rules define the primary characteristics of our organization, prescribe how our association functions, and includes all rules that the association considers important to the rights and responsibilities of the membership, whether present or absent from the assembly.
Click the link below for a downloadable PDF version of our most current Bylaws and Standing Rules
Settles Bridge Elementary PTO Bylaws
Settles Bridge Elementary PTO Standing Rules
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Forsyth County Schools events
- Friday, March 7
- Monday, March 10
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, March 28
- Monday, April 14
- Friday, April 18
We are thankful for all of our local community PIEs that support our SBE community and academic enrichments.