Committee Chair Guidelines & Procedures
Thank you so much for volunteering your time to help the SBE PTO. By doing so you are committing to making a difference in your students’ scholastic career and environment as well as improving opportunities for SBE’s future in today’s competitive world. We greatly appreciate your time and recognize that everyone’s free time is precious; however, there are a few things you are now responsible for maintaining as Chair or Co-Chair of a Committee.
General Information for all Committee Chairs
Committees are the practical and democratic way of involving the membership in attaining PTO goals. The work and goals of each local unit determine the number and nature of the committees necessary for that unit. All associations need basic committees, such as parent involvement, budget, membership, legislation, publications/communications and hospitality.
Refer to the complete list of Guidelines and Procedures and sign the Agreement if you are new to the PTO Committee.
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Upcoming Events
SBE PTO events
Forsyth County Schools events
- Friday, February 7
- Monday, February 10
- Friday, February 21
- Saturday, February 22
- Friday, March 7
We are thankful for all of our local community PIEs that support our SBE community and academic enrichments.